1139 Bedford Hwy - (902) 580-6969 - luxuryhairhalifax@outlook.com

COVID -19 Forward plan

As of July 1 2020 we are still remaining cautious here at Luxury Hair. With respect for our clients undergoing chemotherapy we have decided to continue our business seeing clients by appointment. This allows us to properly sanitize all the surfaces in between. We have an online booking app to assist you in appointment selection;

Afternoon and evenings will be by appointment only. Please either call or text after 1pm

We understand that not everyone wants to schedule an appointment. For those of you wanting the option to stop by the store we are now welcoming walk ins. between 930am and 1pm. We will be limiting the shop to 2 customers at a time to ensure safety and health remains a priority. We will ask that clients request assistance for anything they would like to view, so as to minimize contact.

Because of the fragile health of our chemo customers, it is possible that you will arrive at the shop and a sign will be on the door to let you know we are in a private appointment. Please respect the closed door and refer to the sign to know when the appointment will end. If you send us a text we will respond asap to let you know when you can enter the shop. 902 580 6969

These measures will be in place until September when we will reassess the conditions and possibly alter our operation hours again.